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My life as a mom always has ups and downs. Sometimes I feel really happy about it and everything seems to work great! Other times, I feel tired and overwhelmed and it feels like I’m doing something totally wrong. I’ve learned that this is normal in a mom’s life but this reassurance doesn’t make the difficult moments any easier. So I knew that I needed to change some things in my life! What I never imagined was that these changes will make my mom life so much happier!
This is why I’ve decided to share them hoping that they will help other mothers too. So, if you struggle with all the challenges of motherhood, I really hope that they will make your life happier!
1. Being more intentional about my life
One of the things that most affected me was that I was permanently caught in the daily hassles. I felt that I was not able to do all the things that were important to me. So at the beginning at this year, I’ve decided to be more intentional about my life! So every time I set a goal for me or my family I also make a plan for it and I do my best to stick with it!
Here are some examples that really made a difference:
– Instead of just making a resolution about building a stronger relationship with my son, I created a parenting challenge for us to follow throughout the whole year. Every month we have a different theme and I make a plan of activities for us to try. This way I am more focused on doing meaningful things with my child. And I have a wonderful motivation to help me stay on track! 🙂
{ If you want to join us in this challenge, you can find all the details here. }
– Instead of just wishing to make the most of this summer, I did a summer bucket list that it’s displayed in our home. I have all the activities in front of me and I am more determined to check all the wishes on our list!
– One of the most important decisions about being more intentional with my life was to create a weekly schedule for me and my son. This allows me to do a lot of nice activities with him. In the same time, it allows me to plan time for me and for the things that I like. And this is really wonderful!
Basically, being more intentional about my life means replacing “I wish I would do this” with “I want this and I will make a plan to make it happen“.
2. Simplifying my whole life
Do you know that overwhelming feeling caused by having too many things around you? Especially with kids, it’s very easy to clutter unnecessary things all around the house! This is why I’ve decided that after the move to our new home in California I will keep everything as simple as possible. I have decluttered all the toys and I have maintained our schedule of toy rotation that allows us to keep them under control all the time.
{ If you are curious about the toy rotation system, you can find a complete guide here: A step by step guide to toy rotation: a way to use fewer toys and encourage more independent play. }
I have also simplified our wardrobe and now we only have clothes that we really use. Also, we do not keep objects in our house if they aren’t really useful. This minimalist way of living has an amazing effect on my emotional state! I don’t have a lot of things around me anymore and keeping the house clean and organized is no longer an overwhelming task.
3. Putting myself first once in a while
Ever since I became a mom, I promised myself to be a mom that is always involved and caring. I want to raise my child in a gentle and loving way and I want to be part of all the important moments of his childhood!
But the last year of my life taught me that neglecting myself is a big mistake. I cannot be a happy and playful mom if I don’t feel content with myself! So I’ve decided that I need to put myself first once in a while. And that I don’t need to feel guilty about it!
I have made a commitment to make time for me on a regular basis. As we don’t have any help with our child, this meant that my husband took over some of the tasks that I used to do. It wasn’t easy for him but he understood that I really needed this! I don’t postpone my free time unless is something very important that I need to solve. I’ve learned that prioritizing my needs once in a while has a positive impact on both my son and my husband. When I feel fulfilled and “recharged” I can be a better company for both of them and they really feel the difference!
Now I plan time for me every week. I admit that most of my free time is dedicated to this blog but I don’t mind! 🙂 It’s nice to be able to do something that I’m passionate about. And having a break from my mom role is very important! I really wish I would have done this earlier!
{ I wrote more about this subject here: How I find time for me (and work) as a stay-at-home mom. }
Honestly, I would have never imagined how much happiness these 3 changes could bring to my life!
They may seem less important at first but once you implement them I’m sure that you’ll feel the difference too!
Making these changes doesn’t mean that I don’t have any more difficulties in my mom life. Of course that I still have a lot of challenges! But they help me keep my happiness level high enough to be able to face them in a more optimistic and determined way!
If you feel that you need something different in your life to help you regain the happy mood as a mom, I totally recommend you to try these changes! And I hope that they will bring you the positive energy that you need for making the most of your mom life!
More from Playful Notes
5 tips for overwhelmed moms that made a difference in my life
How I find time for me (and work) as a stay-at-home mom
What helped me become a calmer mom and be gentle with my child even if I’m angry
How to create a successful stay-at-home mom schedule {+printable planner}
>> Want to remember this? Share these ideas to your favorite Pinterest board!
photo credit: Yuganov Konstantin /
Foarte util ce ai scris Raluca. Multumesc! Am incercat si eu rotirea jucariilor dar am renuntat dupa ce, de nenumarate ori, imi cerea cutiile unde aveam depozitate restul jucariilor. Am preferat sa le pastrez doar pe cele mai folosite si pe restul sa le donez. Timp pentru mine inca nu reusesc sa-mi fac asa cum mi-as dori dar macar 30 de minute pe zi incerc sa gasesc pentru citit. Sunt de acord cu o viata cat mai minimalista – ma scapa de multe batai de cap . Toate bune iti doresc!
Foarte buna ideea cu donatul, nu am mai facut de mult timp asta! O sa fac si eu o curatenie printre jucarii dupa ce revenim din concediu si o sa donez jucariile pe care nu le mai folosim.
Noua viata minimalista ni se potriveste foarte bine, nu cred ca vom mai reveni vreodata la stilul de viata de dinainte, cand aveam prea multe lucruri inutile prin casa.
Toate bune! Te imbratisez!