Thank you for taking the time to come to my blog and discover all things that I share here! I am really grateful to have you here! My purpose in creating was to share tips and ideas that helped me and that can be helpful for other parents too. I write about gentle parenting, activities for young kids, and family travel. And I hope that parents will always find inspiration in my articles.
Running a blog means also a lot of costs for owning a domain, paying for a hosting server, and purchasing photos, graphics, and technical support. In order for me to keep the site going and supporting all the costs associated with creating my content, I have several methods of income production active on my site. This is why sometimes when you click on a link that I provide on my blog I may be earning a small fee from the company that sells that product. I also accept paid advertising on my blog and include affiliate links in my blog posts. All sponsored content is duly disclosed in accordance with the FTC’s requirements.
You can always be sure that the products that I recommend are products that I have purchased myself and have personal experience with. I only include links to products or services that I think you will benefit from.
All the opinions on this blog are mine. For me, honesty is very important and therefore I would never recommend products that I do not truly believe in. Also, you will always know when I’m being paid to write an article or have been given free materials to use because this information will be available in the article. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to All post that contains links are associated with this affiliate program. Advertising fees are earned when a visitor clicks on an Amazon link and makes a purchase from according to the terms of the Amazon Associates Operating Agreement.
I also have joined various affiliate networks in connection with products that I already use and love. These small commissions help me keep this blog running and support my family so I really appreciate when you make a purchase using my links. If you like a product and don’t want to use my links, you can go directly to the site you want to visit and purchase the product from there.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me and share your thoughts with me.
This policy was last updated on 06/21/2017.