family time capsule

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Inside: Discover an easy way to create a family time capsule that will preserve precious family memories for years to come. It’s a very fun idea and your kids will certainly love it!

Some time ago we moved to a new home, and while I was packing, I discovered a little box in one of our drawers. It was a colorful box that I used 2 years ago to store some family photos and keepsakes.

I opened it, and I was surprised by how much joy and emotion it brought! The pictures reminded me of the lovely family moments I enjoyed with my son when he was a little younger. I even discovered his handprint and a small toy figurine that used to be his favorite when he was a toddler.

That little box made me realize how much things change in such a short time, especially with young kids.

The truth is that years ago, when I was pregnant with my oldest son, I would have never imagined how different my life would be after becoming a mom. So many things happened during these years!

Finding that box with family memories reminded me of an idea that I discovered some time ago and wanted to try: creating a family time capsule.

family time capsule

How to create a family time capsule

After some research, I created a list of ideas for our family time capsule. I decided to use a clear plastic canister as a container because it’s practical and easy to use.

I also looked for some nice time capsule printables to use, but I couldn’t find everything I wanted, so I decided to create our own printable templates.

I started gathering family photos and small items that seemed a good fit for our time capsule and stored them in a box. After preparing everything, we decided that we will fill in and seal the time capsule on New Year’s Eve because it seemed a great occasion to do this.

If you like the idea of creating a family time capsule, here are some tips to help you get started.

family time capsule

What to include in a family time capsule

There are many things that you can include in your family time capsule. At first, make sure that you have a container for the time capsule. We chose this clear plastic canister that is easy to store and big enough for the items that we want to include.

Here is the list of things that you can include in the time capsule:

✔️ list of every family member’s favorites (included in the printable set at the end of the article)

✔️ family photos

✔️ children’s artworks

✔️ letter to your future self

✔️ keepsakes (drawings, hand prints, special items)

✔️ movie tickets / event tickers

✔️ postcards from family members and friends

✔️ a list with a short explanation for each item

✔️ toy figurines

✔️ newspaper / magazine pages

✔️ facts about the current year

✔️ a note from you to your children

✔️ favorite quotes

✔️ memorable family memories

✔️ predictions for the future.

family time capsule

Make it special

Plan a special family meeting and create the time capsule together. Invite all family members to fill in the questionnaires and contribute with items to the time capsule.

One important thing to decide on is the time frame for opening the time capsule. You can either pick a specific date or a special milestone (future birthday, anniversary, a child’s graduation day or wedding day).

family time capsule

We plan to open our time capsule on New Year’s Eve 5 years from now.

I can’t even imagine how our life will look like 5 years from now because the last years brought so many changes! I can only hope that moment will find us happy and healthy together!

Download the printable set & create your family time capsule

⭐ The new, upgraded version of the printable family time capsule set is available inside the Family Fun Toolkit.

The toolkit is a fun-packed activity pack that will help you connect with your kids, make memories together, and keep your little ones busy and happy for hours.

The family time capsule set includes:

  • label for the time capsule
  • list of things to include in the time capsule
  • questionnaire for kids and questionnaire for adults
  • facts about the current year
  • favorite family memories (template)
  • keepsake drawing and handprint
  • letter to my future self (template).

To download the Family Fun Toolkit and get the family time capsule set and many other resources for family fun, click the link below.

Get the Family Fun Toolkit and the family time capsule set here.

I hope that you’ll enjoy creating your family time capsule and that it will help you preserve lovely family memories!

If you are looking for the old version of the printable set, you can download it here.

create a family time capsule with your kids

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  1. Faith Gutierrez says:

    Hello! I love your time capsule printables. I signed up my email address, but still cannot seem to download them. Thank you!

    1. Hi, Faith! I’m sorry that you didn’t receive the printable! I don’t know why it didn’t arrive in your inbox. I’ve just resent it now. Could you please let me know if you got it?

  2. Christina says:


    I love this idea and wanted to do this with my kids, but when I signed up with my email, I never received the document. I even checked my spam folder! Please help!

    1. Hi, Christina! I’m very sorry you didn’t receive the printable! The email was sent from our system, and I don’t know why it didn’t get in your inbox. I’ve just resent it now. Could you please check if you received it now?

  3. Where did you find the plastic container at? Thank you for the fun idea!

  4. Hello! I signed up my email address, but still cannot seem to download them. It seems like the same as everyone else. Thank you!

    1. Hello, Ana!
      I’m sorry you couldn’t download the printable!
      I checked now and it seems that the printable was sent to your email address on October 28th. The subject line is “⭐ {download} Your printable family time capsule set”. Could you please check your spam folder to see maybe it landed there?
      If you still can’t find it, please let me know, and I’ll try to resend it from my email system.

  5. Hello,
    I also did not receive the download when I signed up with my email. Can you please try again? Thank you, Laura

    1. Hello, Laura!
      I checked now and the email with the printable was delivered to your inbox yesterday. Could you please check the spam folder in case it landed there?
      The subject line is “{download} Your printable family time capsule set”.
      If you can’t find it, please let me know, and I’ll try to find a way to resend it to you.