Limited time: The challenge starts soon, so don't miss the chance to join today!

The Independent Play Challenge

Discover simple, proven strategies to encourage more independent play in your home

Join the Independent Play challenge and discover the easy strategies that will get your children to spend less time in front of screens and more time engaging in creative, independent play.

Your kids will enjoy all the amazing benefits of play, and you’ll have more time to get things done without needing to keep the children entertained all the time.

independent play challenge

The independent play challenge

Discover simple, proven strategies to encourage more independent play in your home

Join the Independent Play challenge and discover the easy strategies that will get your children to spend less time in front of screens and more time engaging in creative, independent play.

Your kids will enjoy all the amazing benefits of play, and you’ll have more time to get things done without needing to keep the children entertained all the time.


How the Independent Play Challenge works:

Step 1

Join the challenge using the button below. The challenge starts soon, so don’t miss the chance to join today!

Step 2

Check your email to get all the details about how to access the challenge.

Step 3

Get proven strategies delivered straight to your inbox and start enjoying the positive changes in your home.

Don’t miss the chance to enjoy all the benefits of independent play with just a few simple changes you can quickly implement for your family!