1. Victoria Schneider says:

    Love your insight and research on this. We decided very early to not let our son watch TV until he was older and even then to monitor it with strict rules and time limits.
    I am definitely going to give that TED talk a listen now.
    victoria | http://www.thesoutherntrunk.com

  2. My husband and I have actually been talking a lot about this concept. I started to notice behavioral issues in my 2 year old and I instantly correlated it to the amount of tv that she watches. We’ve recently cut back to 2 30 minute episodes throughout the day and noticed a great improvement in her attention span and behavior

  3. What a great article. There is so much to think about before you let your kids watch TV.

  4. Great article, Raluca! I am also planning a series of articles on this subject. I think it would be great to have this article translated 😉

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