playful week activities for kids


  1. Hi Raluca,
    I’ve been struggling since the lockdown to be organized or playful with my grandchildren. Toy rotation was my standard practice when my kids were growing up and during my 30 years of teaching. But I had forgotten the basics! I’m inspired and THANK YOU for the Playful Notes e-mail you sent me!
    I retired 7 years ago to provide a quality preschool experience for my grandchildren. The 2 youngest started kindergarten this year so I thought I was done. BUT my 4th grade granddaughter much preferred homeschooling to her return to public school. So I find myself teaching again and NEEDED this reminder!

    1. I’m so glad you found the email helpful, Lana! I hope you and your grandchildren will enjoy having a toy rotation system in place! It truly makes managing all the toys and materials a lot easier!

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