questions to ask kids about their day

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Inside: Check out this list of 40 meaningful questions to ask kids about their day to encourage them to open up to you and talk about their day at school.

When I wrote about the 5 easy and effective tips that parents can use to get kids to talk about their day at school, I mentioned that one important thing is asking the right questions.

But the truth is that kids don’t want to be questioned about the same things every single day. And they won’t open up to their parents if they feel that they are being “evaluated” through the questions.

To make the kids want to talk about their day, the questions need to focus on the things that are important to them.

Because finding out about my son’s day at school is something that matters a lot to me, I gathered a list of questions that I use as inspiration anytime I want to start a conversation.

If you need some inspiration as well, here are 40 questions to ask kids about their day. They will offer you the chance to really get to their heart and get meaningful answers that will get you closer.

You can find a printable list of questions at the end of the article in case you want to have these ideas at hand every day.

Questions to ask kids about their day: 13 questions about their feelings

What made you smile today?

What was the most difficult thing you did today?

How would you rate your day on a scale of 1 to 10? What would have made your day better?

Did anything made you sad / angry today?

What made you feel 

Has anyone been unkind to you today? How did you react?

Did anyone do something that made you laugh?

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

Did you ever feel unsafe? Why?

If you could change one thing about your day, what would it be?

Questions to ask kids about their day: 11 questions about colleagues and teachers

Did anyone do something funny today?

Did anyone do something nice for you?

What was the nicest / kindest thing you did for someone else?

What made your teacher happy today?

Was there something that made your teacher sad / angry today?

What rules do you think are the hardest to follow at school?

Does everyone have a friend at recess?

If you could switch seats with anyone in the class, who would you trade with? Why?

questions to ask kids about their day

Questions to ask kids about their day: 7 questions about their friends

What was the best thing that you did with your friends today?

Who did you play with the most today?

What did your friends eat for lunch?

Did you help anyone today? How?

Did anyone help you today? How?

Who did you sit with at lunch? What did you talk about?

Questions to ask kids about their day: 9 questions about their interests

What games did you play outside / at recess?

What new thing did you learn today?

What is the most surprising thing that you learned today?

What was your favorite activity / subject today? Why?

Did you learn something today you didn’t understand?

What questions did you ask at school today?

What are you looking forward to tomorrow at school?

What do you think you should do more of at school?

What do you think you should do less of at school?

How to use this list of questions

I use to ask one question from each category at the start of the conversation. Then I let my child lead the conversation and ask questions depending on what he most wants to talk about.

If I see that he is concerned about something I spend more time trying to find out what it is. If I notice that he is upset and he doesn’t want to talk about what happened I don’t insist. I just spend some quality time with him, connecting and having fun, because I know that this makes it easier for him to open up to me. Then, when I feel that he is ready to talk, I restart the conversation and I try to help him solve whatever problem he has.

Download the printable list of questions

If you want to have a list of questions to ask kids about their day at hand anytime you need it, download the printable list below and display it in your home.

To download the list you just need to click on the link below.

>> Click here to download the printable list of questions

I hope that it will be a great inspiration for you and that will help you enjoy many meaningful conversations with your kids!

More from Playful Notes

>> Want to remember this? Share these ideas to your favorite Pinterest board!

Discover a list of 40 meaningful questions to ask kids after school to encourage them to open up to you and talk about their day at school  --- Parenting tips | Advice for moms
Get more than one-word answers about your child's day at school with this great list of questions. They will help you get kids to talk about their day and share important details about what they did at school. --- Parenting tips | Raising kids | Positive parenting #School #ParentingTips

photo credit: Evgeny Atamanenko /

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One Comment

  1. Olivia bird says:

    Uhh these dont work at all, kids will just react the same way. Trust me, they will know that you got these questions from an article. These look good in theory but beleive me, it will just be the same.