Discover simple ways to fill your family’s life with joy and connection

As a busy mom, I’m always looking for simple ways to make play and connection part of your family’s everyday life.

Focusing on easy and fun ideas instead of wasting time and energy on all the picture-perfect activities on Instagram and “fancy” ideas on Pinterest was one of the best decisions I made as a parent!

It not only encouraged my kids to spend more of their time playing and creating, but it also helped us build many happy memories together!

All the tips and ideas I discovered in the last few years made a big difference in my life, and I know they can do the same for you! If you want to start your journey towards more fun, playful days with your kids, I’m here to support you along the way!

Before exploring the ideas below, click here to download a free activity guide that will help you get closer to your kids in just 30 minutes a day.

the club

More creative play at home. More happy moments with your kids

Create engaging, fun and playful experiences for your kids (ages 3-8) without wasting time searching for ideas or planning activities.

The Family Joy Club is designed to help you enjoy more creative play in your home, have more time for yourself, and build more happy memories with your kids.