1. My son is an adult now but he was only allowed to watch television for a few hours on weekends. He did n’t even miss it because we kept him busy with other activities.

  2. Great tips! We try to limit screen time but it can be difficult sometimes.

  3. I just kick my daughter outside lol. Not really, but she loves to be outside so she spends a lot of her day there. And I do have her help me with chores. She may not be very good, but she is learning.

  4. Thanks for the good ideas. I will put some of them to use with my grandson:-)

  5. “the problem is not that the parents don’t know what other activities they can do, but that they need some time for doing chores or resting, so some play ideas aren’t really helpful.” Exactly! So glad to see that acknowledged. Legos keep my grands entertained for a long time.

  6. Great tips. We only do 1-2 episodes of her tv show that is on Netflix. This has no commercials and the episodes are under 30 minutes for a show.

  7. These are such great suggestions for non-screen time activities. My nephew gets quite a lot of screen time so I’ll be sending this post to my sister for sure! It’s nice to have some ideas on what I can do with him when I visit!

  8. Excellent ideas to get kids from the ‘boob tube’!

  9. I should probably reduce screen time but to be honest, I don’t do it that often. My kids are still active enough so I don’t worry about it much.

  10. Good suggestions! I try to limit my kids screen time by not having cable or anything like that. Instead, we have DVDs, Netflix and Amazon Prime. This way, I can say they get one show or two shows and then they are done and I know exactly what they’ve been watching. Most of their favorite shows are education anyways so that helps me feel better about allowing them screen time.

  11. These are great tips! I don’t have kids yet but I’ll sure pass this advice to my momma friends.

  12. I love this! I try and be on top of screen time, but sometimes life gets the best of me and I give in. I do like the idea of putting on a DVD or something that gives me full control of what it is they’re watching!

  13. Great timing, I’ve been thinking about screen time! My 17 month old doesn’t care to watch tv or videos for too long but I know he will want to soon enough. I love your suggestions for other activities to do instead.

  14. Andrea Broom says:

    My mom totally applied this when I was young to me and my brother.

  15. This is great. I’m amazed by how many people allow their kids what seems to be unlimited screen time.

  16. These are all very great tips! I’m so glad I grew up in a time we preferred to play outside.

  17. Great tips. My son is 4. He’s not into tv that much thankfully but I can see that changing in the future. I’m gonna try to get him to enjoy alternative activities as much as possible.

  18. blair villanueva says:

    This might be sound silly but, telling a kid that your TV is current not working is also an effective method. Or there is no electricity for that time.
    It works on my little sister, until she did care with TV at all 🙂

  19. Love this with 3 kids its always a struggle to get off the electronics. We are huge fans of productive things too like audio books ! Super list and some new things I will have to try!

  20. Great blog. My brother and his wife limits TV to only the weekends and they get about two hours. They prefer them reading or playing outside

  21. These are incredible ideas! We have struggled in our house with our teen son being an avid gamer. The struggle is real and thanks for sharing these very doable tips

  22. I love the kinetic sand box! I’m pretty obsessed with kinetic sand as an adult too! I watched a video somewhere of how to make the kinetic sand instead of buying it – thought that was a neat way to occupy kids!

  23. I don’t like my children watching too much television either. There are so many more productive things to do, so we usually redirect them if they’ve been staring at a screen for a while.

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