7 awesome things that I love about my introverted child
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I recently wrote an article about different ways to help introverted kids be more confident. That article is the result of all the research that I’ve done for trying to understand my son better and help him deal with situations that seem difficult to handle.
But after writing the article I kept thinking of all the articles and resources that I’ve read. They were very helpful but most of them were only focused on how to help kids overcome the fact that they are introverted.
And I felt like we need to write more about the wonderful parts of having an introverted child. About those awesome ways in which an introverted child can inspire others. About all the things that an introverted child can teach us.
For me having an introverted child has taught me so much! And in many ways, it changed the way I see the people around me!
So in this post, I just want to celebrate this! To let everyone know that having an introverted child is such a meaningful experience! To write about all the wonderful things that I love about my introverted child.
1. Introverted kids “see” more of the people around them.
When we go to a place with a lot of new people, he spends some time observing everything, without interacting with others. And he noticed things about people that I would never notice!
He sees those small gestures that define someone’s personality. He studies the people around him and by the time he decides to interact with someone he knows a lot more about that person than someone how would jump into the interaction right away.
One day we went to the park and he spent some time playing alone before interacting with other kids. Then he started making friends and spent a fun time with them. When we left I realized that I had no idea what the names of the kids were. He didn’t know either.
But he was able to describe every child by telling me a particular thing that he noticed about them. The girl with blue eyes who likes to play in the sand. The boy with a red t-shirt who is afraid of the big slide. The tall boy who always looks out for his baby sister. The girl with pink shoes who always runs to her mom when someone is bothering her. And so on.
I haven’t noticed any of these things even though I was right there, with him. But he took the time to see these things because he quietly observed everyone around him!
2. Introverted kids may not speak a lot about their feelings. But when they do, they will melt your heart.
My son is not that kind of child who tells “I love you” all the time. But when he does, he puts his whole heart in those words. And I can feel it!
photo credit: goodmoments / shutterstock.com
3. Introverted kids are wonderful friends.
Introverted kids don’t have a lot of friends. They don’t chase popularity and don’t like being surrounded by large groups of children.
But once they make a new friend, they are so caring and loyal! And this makes them wonderful friends!
They are invested in their friendship. They care about their friends. And they treasure them.
4. Introverted kids are kind and thoughtful.
I see this in my son every single day. He is so kind to everyone around him!
When he sees that I’m sad, he always tries to make things better. Even if he doesn’t always express his feelings, he just stays next to me or cuddles in my arms. And I know that it’s his quiet way to show me how much he cares.
photo credit: Africa Studio / shutterstock.com
5. Introverted kids are creative and imaginative.
My son has such a big imagination and finds so many creative ways to express himself! And I’m amazed every single time when he shares his “inside world” with me.
6. Introverted kids have a great ability to focus.
Research has shown that introverted kids are great at completing tasks that require concentration because they have an excellent focus.
And I see this in my son all the time! He likes to discover things and takes the time to explore them. He has a patience and a determination that I’ve never had as a child!
7. Introverted kids have a huge potential to change the world. In their own quiet and meaningful way.
Every time I go with my son to a workshop or an activity class there are always other kids there who are great at loudly expressing their ideas. Who are enthusiastic and happy to talk to you about what they are doing.
And there are also some quiet kids. Who are focused on their idea but not so willing to let everyone know about it. Who may even seem less invested in the activity because they are not so outgoing like the others.
But in the end, I’m often amazed by what these kids are capable of creating. They have a huge potential and they just need the people around them to give them the time and space to express their ideas in their own way. And in many cases, their quiet way of doing things leads to some innovative, creative, and awesome results!
photo credit: Sokolova Maryna / shutterstock.com
So here is what I would like everyone to know about introverted kids.
Research shows that introverts can become great leaders because they have very good listening skills and they inspire loyalty.
Also, they can bring innovative changes to the world because they have very rich inner worlds and are not afraid to let their imagination guide them.
And they are capable of a high level of creativity because they embrace solitude and take more time to listen to their innermost thoughts.
So instead of hurrying into trying to change our introverted kids, we should spend more time treasuring them for who they are. They can inspire us to be better people and they can teach us so many things! We just need to let them do this in their unique and wonderful way.
To my son, an introverted child who changed my life
photo credit preview photo: Olga Bogatyrenko / shutterstock.com
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