A love letter to my husband
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Inside: A heartfelt love letter to my husband, the most wonderful man I ever met
My love,
Sometimes I just look at you and I feel so lucky to have you, but I don’t say anything. Somehow I think you already know this.
Late at night when you are asleep I just stay there, in our bed, thinking of us and I realize you are the love of my life, the man who made my life complete, the reason I smile every day. Then, in the morning, we are so caught in the daily tasks and I think it’s not the time for sweet words.
Today we were fighting in the car because of a stupid reason and I realized that I tell you everything that bothers me, I take time to reproach you with a lot of small things and I am very strong in my opinions when it comes to an argue, but I don’t tell you how much I love you and I don’t take time to thank you for being supportive and loving each and every day of our life.
So this letter is just to let you know that I LOVE YOU and I feel lucky that you are part of my life. Marriage is sometimes hard, but we went through a lot of things together and our love was always strong. Your love for me was what made me pass over all the difficult times and I will always be grateful for this.
I am glad that you are in my life and even if I don’t show it every day I hope you will always remember how loved you are. Sometimes we take love for granted, but the truth is that love is a precious gift and we should never forget how lucky we are to have it.
Thank you for all the smiles you put on my face, for all the hugs that melt my heart, for all the love I see in your eyes! I hope our love will grow stronger over the years and that we will spend our entire life together, enjoying every moment of it.
You are the reason why I believe in love. The most beautiful reason.
You are the one for me and I am the one for you! Forever.
With love,
Related: Dear husband, thank you for always being there for me (another love letter to my husband)
photos from canva.com
We often get so caught up in our everyday moments that we forget to say what people mean to us. Thanks for a great reminder to pause for a moment and let them know what they mean to us. 🙂
Awww this is just so so sweet! Really reminds me to take the time to show and tell my bf how much I appreciate him and his love xo, sharon
This is so beautiful. It’s so important to remember to say all those things.
“You are the reason why I believe in love. ” – what a gorgeous sentiment. This is a lovely letter!
Yes same here
Thanks for sharing beautiful love letter…. It’s so important to remember to say all those things…
So Sweet
love this. i wanna hug my husband and say thank you for taking care of our family i love him more than he know.
I love this post! Will definitely be paying more attention to doing this. In this age of technology, we forget the art and joy of hand writing a letter to those we love and care for. It is also more treasured for those who receive them as well.