1. I really like the solutions you have recommended! I totally agree that we need to be calm and to talk with our children, but sometimes it’s really hard and it’s so easy to shout and to send them to their room! It takes a lot of control to do all that, but it’s worth it on long term.

    1. Raluca Loteanu says:

      You are right, sometimes it’s really hard to manage our own emotions! I feel this every single day!

  2. I was raised the “old fashioned” discipline way. I never felt unwanted or neglected. There are always new and better ways, and although I take great pieces of information from “No drama discipline” methods, I also feel that sometimes in life, we are not always going to get gentile behavior from others, and sometimes in the real world we don’t get “options” for avoiding negative feelings, we learn to cope with them with the tools we have available to us. Now, I’m not saying to scream and beat your child every 5 minutes, but I knew with just a look from either of my parents, there would be consequences that may or may not involve a swat if I didn’t reign myself in from the behavior I was doing.
    As an adult I am healthy, have had a great career and now am a SAHM
    I guess every house hold finds what works for them though.

  3. My son puts himself on time out but not as punishment (it lasts maybe 20 seconds). He does this when he needs his space. I never put him on time out. We always work through his feelings together so that he will always feel comfortable coming to me when he has intense feelings or a problem to work through. I never want him to feel banished or isolated when he needs help to sort his feelings. Hopefully as a teenager he wont isolate himself when he is the most confused and emotional.

  4. Hej Raluca,

    My son is 4years now, he is been getting very frustrated or agitated if a toy is not the way he wants.. this is mostly in times of he being tired so I speak the emotion loud to him and sit with him and talk about it.
    Sometimes I tell him can he gentle with his toys but in few minutes it’s the same rough throwing the toys or doing it more deliberately and here I just feel he is testing my patience.
    I sometimes give him sometime to calm out in his room and just stand out saying I’m here for you when ever you need me and ready to talk.
    It works mostly but then it’s the same tantrum story in the shop, if we go to get groceries, I feel I am losing my connection with him!
    I’m really confused of what I can do better.
    Will wait to hear from you.

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