Gifts for the new big brother: What we included in our big brother kit
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Inside: Make your child feel special after the birth of a new baby with a wonderful big brother kit! Get easy and lovely gift ideas for the new big brother and prepare a surprise that will make them happy!
As we are getting closer to the moment a new member will join our family I try to use these last weeks to prepare for the baby’s arrival as much as possible. I know that this will be a big change for us, and I hope that the preparations will make the adjustment period easier to handle for all of us.
Besides buying all the must-haves for the baby, preparing my hospital bag for labor, and making sure that my husband has everything he needs to take care of B. while I am in the hospital, I have one more important thing on my to-do list for these last weeks: preparing our son for becoming a big brother.
I’m sure that the arrival of the baby will bring many strong emotions for him, and I want to make sure that he has the love and support he needs to go through this transition period easier.
One of the ideas that I loved for making kids feel special is preparing a few gifts for the new big brother.
The big brother kit is a lovely way to make kids feel special after the baby arrives, especially since the baby will get a lot of attention from family and friends. Also, it helps them feel proud of their new role as big brothers!
Gifts for the new big brother: What we included in the big brother kit for our son
Receiving a nice gift always makes kids happy, but the idea of a big brother kit is even more special because it celebrates their new role!
This is why I wanted to include in our kit both a few things related to his role as a big brother and some little items that I know he will enjoy.
Here is what we included in the big brother kit:
⭐ two books about the arrival of a new baby
We chose these two books:
- The Baby Is Here! – This book is part of the Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood series, and my son loves the characters so I hope he will enjoy the book as well. (He already has the book “Big Brother Daniel” from the same series.)
The New Baby at Your House – I like this book a lot because it seems perfect for my son’s age! It has pictures instead of illustrations and the story helps kids deal with the intense feelings of welcoming a new baby into the family.
Related: 5 wonderful big brother books that will help your child get ready for a new baby
⭐ an instant camera for him to take pictures of the new baby
When I read about adding a disposable camera to the kit to allow kids to take their own pictures of the baby, I immediately loved the idea!
Because we already have an instant camera at home I realized that it’s even better to offer our son the chance to use that camera and take pictures of us and the baby. So I just brought a new film pack just for him and I included both the film and the camera in the big brother kit. I’m pretty sure that my son will be excited about this!
(We have this instant camera and it’s absolutely great! We bought these film packs for the camera and included one of them in the kit. If you don’t have an instant camera it is a lot more convenient and affordable to choose a disposable camera like this one as a gift for your child.)
⭐ a big brother cape
I found a nice cape when I went to Carter’s to buy baby clothes and I bought it for my son. He loves capes and I think he will be very proud to wear this one!
(You can find a big brother cape on Amazon as well.)
Another alternative is to include a big brother t-shirt in the kit, or create a big brother certificate or badge for your child.
⭐ a coupon book with nice activities to do with dad
I am a big fan of coupon books for kids because they are a wonderful way to make connection a priority and spend quality time with them. As the new baby will most likely keep me very busy in the first weeks, I wanted to encourage my husband to focus more on our son. They spend time together on a regular basis, but I know that after the arrival of the baby these one-on-one interactions will be even more important.
So I used our printable coupons to create a coupon book with easy activities for B. to do with his dad. I’m sure that both of them will have a lot of fun together putting these ideas into practice.
(If you like this idea you can download the whole set of printable coupons for kids from here.)
⭐ a small LEGO building kit
I wanted to offer him a toy that we could play with at the hospital and this LEGO set seemed a great choice.
I also plan to include a few of his favorite snacks in the toolkit in case B. will get hungry at the hospital, during his visit.
⭐ crayons and a pencil pouch
My son likes to draw different moments in our life and I hope that the crayons will inspire him to express his feelings after the baby arrives.
The pencil pouch was actually chosen by him when we went to the store to buy school supply. He can’t use it at school so I’m sure he would like to store his new crayons in it and create some nice artworks.
How to pack the big brother kit
I wanted to pack the gifts for the new big brother in a cute way so I chose a project case (similar to these ones) and put everything in it. I also used stickers with his favorite movie characters to decorate the case and make it more fun for him!
Here are other nice ideas for packing the gifts for the new big brother:
- a personalized big brother bag (here is a nice one)
- a cute backpack (my favorites are these ones from Skip Hop)
- a colorful basket or bin.
I hope the big brother kit will be a lovely surprise for my son to get on the day our new baby will be born! I put a lot of love into preparing it, and I’m looking forward to seeing the look on my son’s face when he will receive it in such a special day for our family!
>> Want to remember this? Save these ideas on your favorite Pinterest board!