1. Lovely, Ralu! I “envy” you for your patience and your dedication to make so many nice things to make Bogdan’s childhood beautifull and unforgetable. I wish I had this mindset when my daughter was Bogdan’s age

    1. Raluca Loteanu says:

      Acum pot face asta pentru ca stau acasa cu el, dar in perioada cand lucram nu aveam la fel de mult timp si energie! Eu sunt absolut sigura ca si Ana a avut parte de o copilarie cel putin la fel de frumoasa!
      Tare mi-as dori ca atunci cand Bogdan va fi de varsta ei sa pot fi alaturi de el mult timp asa cum esti tu alaturi de Ana!

    1. Raluca Loteanu says:

      I’m glad that you liked them! 🙂

  2. Loved them… Will try to edit them for older kids!

    1. Raluca Loteanu says:

      I’m so glad that you liked them! 🙂

  3. Donna Haag says:

    How do I set up a password?
    Donna Haag

    1. Hello, Donna! You don’t need any password to download the printable. You just need to click on the link, enter your email address, and the printable will be sent to you by email. If you encounter any issues with the form, please let me know.

  4. Greta Rams says:

    This is good! I like them
    Thank you for sharing !

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