how to be a calm mom


  1. Just found your site and I am so glad I did. I love the idea of using connection time with my child to build a stronger relationship. Thank you!

    1. Raluca Loteanu says:

      Thank you for the nice words, Renee! 🙂

  2. I absolutely loved reading this post. While I do not have children of my own, these are great tips for me to keep in mind when that day comes!

  3. Such great advice here 🙂 Every tip that you gave reminded me of a British show called “Parenting for Idiots” (It is a seriously amazing show!). It shows how parents are not perfect, and that raising a child is a blessing and a migraine all at once.

    1. Raluca Loteanu says:

      It sounds like a great show, I would be curious to see it!

  4. These are fantastic tips. With two toddlers and PTSD, I definitely struggle with managing my temper sometimes. I love the special time idea. I pinned that post and this one. Thank you so much for your honesty and helpful tips. Wonderful post! I’ll probably share it around a bit too.

    1. Raluca Loteanu says:

      Thank you, Elizabeth!

  5. Wow very good advice… I’m a mom of 2 kids under age of 2… thank you for your posts. I will be reading more of them 🙂

    1. Raluca Loteanu says:

      Thank you, Karen! 🙂

    2. Raluca Loteanu says:

      Thank you, Karen! I’m glad to read this! 🙂

  6. I love this! The tip about having special connection time before you need them to cooperate is really a gem. Too often I get in the habit of just barking out commands- interrupting them & not connecting first.

    1. Raluca Loteanu says:

      I do the same, especially when we are in a hurry to get somewhere. Then I remember how important connection is, I take a step back, and I try to do things better. 🙂

  7. Very well written.. in India most of the times we live with our in laws and the influence of them is more than parents.. and they always back up most of the times opposite of what mother needs or does.. wish you could write a blog on that..

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